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Personal Finance Made Simple in 2 Hours

Learn the science behind personal finance and easily achieve all your financial goals with peace of mind - with your Favourite Finance Guy.

  • You’ll be able to make informed decisions with your money.

  • You’ll build a high-returning portfolio tailored to your specific needs and risk appetite.

  • You’ll ensure that you, your spouse, children or other dependents are properly protected and insured.

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  • Learn to analyze financial statements, budget effectively, manage cash flow, and navigate financial challenges confidently

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Ravi T Sharma

Generational Wealth Coach

I am a man of Iron Will, who believes in Compound Effect. Know me better, to be the best.

You are different from others as you have a craving to do better. I am here, all set to help you to excel in life. My motto is to “Create the need of You Being There”.

As you have decided to transform your life, and you are in search of a Coach to guide you, direct you, and enable you to change your destiny – it is advise-worthy to know who you are choosing as your Coach. Remember, Arjun chose Krishna as his charioteer, and Duryodhana chose the Narayani Sena – rest is history.

I am a man of Iron Will, who believes in Compound Effect. Know me better, to be the best.

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#1 Bestseller

“An ultimate guide to build generational wealth and realize the power of money”This book is a guide for those people who are looking to become wealthy and also create a multi-generational wealth. This book will make you realize how the values like positivity, integrity, humility, spirituality, family and service to society is very important in creating generational wealth.
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Wealth Creation Blueprint

#1 Bestseller

“An ultimate guide to build generational wealth and realize the power of money”This book is a guide for those people who are looking to become wealthy and also create a multi-generational wealth. This book will make you realize how the values like positivity, integrity, humility, spirituality, family and service to society is very important in creating generational wealth.
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Here’s what our Current Students  have to say...

of Students trade successfully*

AMAZING PRECISE DEEP Sir looks serious, but the content was amazing and user-friendly. 1 disclaimer though, you're about to get a slap on face if all your money decisions are random and emotions based. Awesome explanation and he is very patient to explain things even when you ask basic layman questions.


A Person Who guided me and showed me the path to Transform my Future Financial you so much Ravi Sharma for your valuable time spent with me. I really indebted to your patience and listening to this 52 years old person. An eye opening one to one session for me and thank you for giving me a customized wealth plan.


AMAZING PRECISE DEEP Sir looks serious, but the content was amazing and user-friendly. 1 disclaimer though, you're about to get a slap on face if all your money decisions are random and emotions based. Awesome explanation and he is very patient to explain things even when you ask basic layman questions.

Syed Afshan

Ravi Sharma is a Trusted Financial Advisor Ravi Sharma, has the knowledge and genuine interest in Finance and Wealth Management. He has great attention to details and quickly understands the flip side of the current financial situation of his clients.His advise is comprehensive and always in order, starts from income generation, followed by savings, risk coverage, and debt management.

Raghavendra Prasad

Your closing words were really powerful and THANK YOU GOD for showing me the way to reach out to you. The last words really made me to live once again "Lets break the rock together with a smile in face". Thank you so much for throwing light on my life.


Hi Ravi Sir, Superb Insights about the financial Journey I have learned so much never known facts about Personal Finance. Learned how to do my day-to-day financial plans and got many free Financial Tactical gifts from Ravi. Must Attend webinar miss it at your own risk. Thankyou Sir Thankyou !!!!

Ankit Singh

It is very valuable that he made me understand the importance of Term Insurance, and SIP in Mutual Funds. I greatly appreciate for the valuable time clarifying all my queries and concerns with lots of patience and a smile on his face.


I like how you have given useful excel sheets.
Also, the freedom community app is helpful.
You gave a hope to live a debt free life by giving a solid customized debt closure plan. I am on the track and I am sure being with you will definitely make me debt free just in another 3 more years.Really God bless you with all power and again your words lets work and achieve together".Wishing to be with you and learn more
